
How to engage the slide show:

click on the first image on the left of the gallery below, then select the arrow at the bottom left of the enlarged image. Or you can manually go to the next slide by hovering your cursor on the middle right side then clicking the arrow that appears. Hover your cursor on the middle left side  then click the arrow that appears to go backwards. Close the slide show or manual show by clicking the X button on the lower right of the image. (The image of each button is followed by an image of that button's back or reverse side.)

Acknowledgments, References and information for this category are at the bottom of this page.

Button Country

An Educational Resource for Button Collectors - originally created by Paul Rice

Section 15 : Other Materials

* To download and print pdfs of the worksheet click these links: page 1, page 2, page 3.

Some descriptions of these buttons may be cut off.  Full descriptions can be seen in the slide show mode.

15-1 Bone Assorted - (18th Century dug) See Reference 3
15-1 Bone Assorted - Colonial Transition Pin Shank
15-1 Bone Assorted - 4 hole
15-1 Bone Assorted - Repoussé (18th Century)
15-1 Bone Assorted - Antler - openwork
15-1.1 Bone Assorted - Decorative Finish
15-1.2 Bone Assorted - Mounted in/on Metal -18th c., gemstone OME
15-1.3 Bone Assorted - OME - Horn with Shell Veneer
15-1.3 Bone Assorted - OME - Shell Inset
15-1.4 Bone Assorted - Working Methods - Engraved
15-1.4.1 Bone Assorted - Working Methods - Carved
15-1.4.1 Bone Assorted - Working Methods - Carved
15-1.4.1 Bone Assorted - Working Methods - Carved
15-1.4.1 Bone Assorted - Working Methods - Turned/Lathed
15-1.4.2 Bone Assorted - Working Methods - Pierced (Antler)
15-2 Composition - Molded - Pictorial
- Back mark - "Manton's Patent"
15-2 Composition - Molded - Pictorial
15-2 Composition - Molded - Pictorial
15-2 Composition - Molded - Bridge Shank
15-2 Composition - Molded - Realistic shell
15-2 Composition - Colored Spots
15-2 Composition - Other Finish - Paint DF
15-2.1 Composition - OME - Glitter
15-2.1 Composition - OME - Glitter and pearl pieces
15-2.1 Composition - OME - Silver Inlay
15-2.1 Composition - OME - Brass, Paste, and Metal Rim
15-3 Ivory Assorted - Chrysanthemum
15-3.1 Ivory Assorted - Decorative Finishes (DF) - Scrimshaw and ink
- Walrus
15-3.1 Ivory Assorted - Decorative Finishes (DF) - Ink/Dye
15-3.1 Ivory Assorted - Decorative Finishes (DF) - Paint
15-3.2 Ivory Assorted - Mounted in/on Metal - 18th Century
15-3.2 Ivory Assorted - Mounted in/on Metal - painted ivory Under glass
15-3.3 Ivory Assorted - (OME) - gemstones, horn etc...Shibayama
15-3.4 Ivory Assorted - Working Methods Asst. - Pierced
15-3.4.1 Ivory Assorted - Working Methods Asst. - Carved
- Curved needle self shank
15-3.4.1 Ivory Assorted - Working Methods Asst. - Carved
15-3.4.1 Ivory Assorted - Working Methods Asst. - Turned/Lathed + OME
15-3.4.2 Ivory Assorted - Working Methods Asst. - Engraved Scrimshaw
15-4 Rubber - Diminutive - Unmarked
15-4.1 Rubber - Back Marks - "Dalmite" - Modern
15-4.1 Rubber - Back Marks - "I.R.C. Co. Goodyear 1851"
- 4-hole sew-through
15-4.1 Rubber - Back Marks - "N.R.Co. - Goodyear's - P=T - 1851"
- 2 hole sew-through - Political - Dancing Frogs
15-4.1 Rubber - Back Marks - "I.R.C.Co - Goodyear-1851"
- Metal loop shank
15-4.1 Rubber - Back Marks - "I.R.C.Co - Goodyear - 1851"
- Self Shank
15-4.1 Rubber - Back Marks - "I.R.C.Co - Goodyear - 1851"
- Whistle-hole
15-4.1 Rubber - Back Marks - "N.R.Co. - Goodyear's - P=T - 1851"
- Pad back
15-4.1 Rubber - Back Marks - "N.R.Co. - Goodyear's - P=T - 1851"
- Brown color - Liberty
15-4.1 Rubber - Back Marks - "N.R.Co. - Goodyear's - P=T - 1851"
15-4.1 Rubber - Back Marks - "N.R.Co. - Goodyear's - P=T"
15-4.1 Rubber - Back Marks - "N.R.Co. - Goodyear's - P=T -1851"
- Faceted
15-4.1 Rubber - Back Marks - "N.R.Co. - Goodyear's - P=T - 1851"
15-4.1 Rubber - Back Marks -"N.R.Co. - Goodyear's - P=T - 1851"
- Brown color - pin shank
15-4.1 Rubber - Back Marks - "N.R.Co. - Goodyear's - P=T"
- Brown color
15-4.1 Rubber - Back Marks - 2 patent dates "Novelty Rubber Co. New York" and "Goodyear's Patent 1849-1851"
15-4.1 Rubber - Back Marks - "N.R.Co. - Goodyear's - P=T - 1851"
- Linear shape
15-4.1 Rubber - Back Marks - "N.R.Co. - Goodyear's - P=T - 1851"
- Rimmed (OME) - Brown color
15-4.1 Rubber - Back Marks - "N.R.Co. - Goodyear's - P=T"
- MOP Inlay OME
15-5 Unlisted - Bamboo
15-5 Unlisted - Cinnabar
15-5 Unlisted - Cinnabar - Backmark "China"
15-5 Unlisted - Cinnabar - Backmark "China-Sung-Silver"
15-5 Unlisted - Cinnabar - Linear shape - Backmark "China"
15-5 Unlisted - Cinnabar - Ball shape with Pin Shank
15-5 Unlisted - Cork
15-5 Unlisted - Coconut Shell
15-5 Unlisted - Fruit Pits - Backmark "China - Silver"
15-5 Unlisted - Walnut Shell - Enamel on back
15-5 Unlisted - Mineral - Galena
15-5 Unlisted - Gemstones - Banded Quartz
15-5 Unlisted - Gemstones - Jasper Realistic shape
15-5 Unlisted - Gemstones - Aventurine
15-5 Unlisted - Gemstones - Agate
15-5 Unlisted - Gemstones - Maine Jasper
15-5 Unlisted - Gemstones - Jade
15-5 Unlisted - Gemstones - Malachite
15-5 Unlisted - Gutta Percha - Linear shape
15-5 Unlisted - Gutta Percha
15-5 Unlisted - Leather - Inserted metal loop shank
15-5 Unlisted - Leather - Leather Loop Shank
15-5 Unlisted - Leather - Metal disk & loop shank
15-5 Unlisted - Leather - Metal hump shank
15-5 Unlisted - Leather - 2-hole sew through
15-5 Unlisted - Leather 4-hole sew through
15-5 Unlisted - Leather - Pad Back - BM "Paris-Solidite-55"
15-5 Unlisted - Leather - set in metal - BM "CASA RENDON - Buenos Aires"
15-5 Unlisted - Leather - set in metal with brass OME
15-5 Unlisted - Leather - Snake skin - Back mark "Handy - 60"
15-5 Unlisted - Paper - Threadback
15-5 Unlisted - Papier-maché
15-5 Unlisted - Papier-maché
15-5 Unlisted - Papier-maché
15-5 Unlisted - Plaster of Paris
15-5 Unlisted - Plaster of Paris - Realistic shape
15-5 Unlisted - Wicker (Worked plant fibers other than wood)
- set in metal
15-5 Unlisted - Gourd
15-5 Unlisted - Coral
15-5 Unlisted - Jet - pin shank - Contour shape
15-5 Unlisted - Mineral - Magnetite
15-5 Unlisted - Pipestone - Back mark "RL"
15-5 Unlisted - Butterfly Wings set in metal - Back mark "Silver"
15-5 Unlisted - Lava set in metal - Back mark "Silver" - Linear oval shape
15-5 Unlisted - Lava set in metal - Linear oval shape
15-5 Unlisted - Meerschaum - Realistic shape
15-5 Unlisted - Vulcanite/Ebonite

Acknowledgments: Thanks to Lou Yeargain, Barbara Barrans, Pat Koehler and Nikki Deal who assisted in the development of this educational resource. They provided reviews, comments or other support including images or buttons for the examples shown. A special thanks to Joan Lindsay & Joy Journeay for their expert editing skills!


(1) National Button Society Blue Book - Official NBS Classification and Competition Guidelines

(2) Hughes, Elizabeth and Marion Lester.  The Big Book of Buttons. St. Johann's Press - 2010

(3) Warren K. Tice - Dating Buttons, A Chronology of Button Types, Makers, Retailers & Their Backmarks, 2003

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* Other Materials Buttons Worksheet in Excel